Bruno Bettelheim (1903-1990) discusses in his book "Psychoanalysis of fairy tales" the influence of fairy tales on children education.
Bruno Bettelheim
Fairy tales while entertaining the child, helps you understand and encourages the development of his personality, gives meanings to different levels and enriches the child's existence.

Fairy tales play the role of allies to maintain the positive aspects of life through laughter, tears and unexpected ends. They stimulate the imagination that nurtures our children by making the story a personal experience and participate in the construction of essential matters of life and death, desire, bans, violent feelings and contradictions.

Applying the psychoanalytic model of human personality, the stories provide important messages of conscious, preconscious and unconscious. When referring to universal human issues, these stories speak to the little self in training and encourage their development while simultaneously releasing the preconscious and unconscious of their drives. As the stories are deciphering, body conscious, give credit to the drives of the id and show the different ways of satisfying them according to the demands of the ego and the superego.

One of the messages transmitted by fairy tales to children is that struggle against severe difficulties in life is unavoidable, is an intrinsic part of human existence. Although, if one does not flee but facing unexpected hardship and often unfair comes to dominate all obstacles, as in the story of "Hansel and Gretel". The child has to stop being subjected to pressures to act on it with itself. The student has to learn to trust that, in future, he will be able to overcome the dangers of the world, even more terrible than his fears can imagine. At the end, he will be enriched with the victory as Hansel and Gretel.

Fairy tales has also other features that can help the child to resolve oedipal conflicts. Mothers cannot accept the wishes of the children to eliminate dad and marry mom. However, learners can participate as winner of the fantasy dragon and owner of the beautiful princess. Similarly, a mother may stimulate the fantasies of his daughter as Prince Charming and to believe in a happy end despite of the current disillusionment. With fairy tales, both boys and girls, who are in the oedipal period, can get the best of two worlds: on the one hand, they will enjoy the satisfactions from oedipal fantasies and, moreover, maintain good relations with both parents in reality. During the oedipal period, the child must bring order to the chaos of his inner life through references in the world. The story of “The queen bee” leads us to recognize that we have to give each element the corresponding demand. Consequently, the proper behavior always leads positive things. 

As we grow, we learn to prioritize reason over emotion as in the tale of "The Fisherman and the Genie". Story based on a captive genius who feels the desire to benefit one who released but as time passes, increasing his anger and his desire to benefit becomes revenge. For this reason, educator do not only have the protector faced but also the educational, where the child is not always agree. We will try to instill in our children that is not good to take impulsive decisions. 

In conclusion, Fairy tales staged, in symbolic form, the way to grow. This will be aided by a construction, unique in its kind, where everything is connected, where the sequences are chained to better manage the disorder and dominte feelings.

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